How to effectively link science and maths
We're very pleased to welcome the wonderful Tom Holloway from the Primary Science Teaching Trust for three courses to support science teaching in primary classrooms across this academic year.
Here are some of the courses that have been recently added to our programme.
We're very pleased to welcome the wonderful Tom Holloway from the Primary Science Teaching Trust for three courses to support science teaching in primary classrooms across this academic year.
CLTSA is pleased to once again be hosting twilight writing standardisation and moderation sessions for teachers in Y1-Y6. These termly sessions are facilitated to ensure that there is plenty of time for useful professional dialogue between colleagues from different schools, developing strong understanding of national age-related writing expectations.
We are delighted that Primary Maths Consultant Caroline Clissold will be once again leading our termly Best Practice Professional Development Forum for primary maths subject leaders for 2023-24.